Trish Parry

Position: Founder and MD

Trish Parry MRQA CSci is the Founder and Managing Director of INDICRO.  She has more than 30 years’ experience in clinical research as a clinical research professional and GCP trainer, delivering these services as a freelancer/consultant, through Otus Clinical Services, since 2004.

Her experience has come from a broad career path including large and small Pharma and CROs in various roles including clinical research associate, clinical project manager, Head of Quality and Training and Director of Clinical Operations. Since June 2021, during the COVID pandemic and until business as usual, she has been a Clinical Subject Matter Expert in the UK Government’s Vaccine Taskforce (now COVID Vaccines Unit, UKHSA), ensuring high quality and effective COVID vaccines were delivered to the UK population.

Trish is one of the founders of the Institute of Clinical Research (ICR) Trainers Forum, is Co-Chair of the ICR GCP and Ethics Forum, a co-chair of one of the sub-groups in the UK Clinical Trials Talent Taskforce (UK CTTT) and is an active Committee Member of the UK based Independent Clinical Research Freelance Network (ICRFN). She is a Chartered Scientist and member of Research Quality Assurance (RQA) and BioIndustry Association (BIA).